Monday 16 April 2018

What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?

gfgfgf I made it a priority that throughout my research and planning I constantly involved the audience in terms of what they expected to see. I did this mainly through the use of questionnaires and these helped me to make suitable decisions.

Questionnaire for my magazine cover
Results for magazine front cover

Questionnaire for poster
Results for poster questionnaire

Questionnaire for teaser trailer
Results for questionnaire teaser trailer

I also asked my audience about feedback on my magazine cover.

1. Is it clear that this is a cover magazine for a British Independent magazine company? How?
2. Does the front cover look authentic when comparing to existing ones? Why?
3. Do you think this magazine would stand out on a shelf? Why?
4. Would you buy this magazine? Why?
5. Do you think the font used for the magazine works in relation to the trailer and poster? Why?

The feedback I recieved from my audience was that they could clearly tell that the magazine was of a British Inedpenedant company because of the simplicity and the use of the unkown films/people in the taglines. Also the actual name of the poster highlighted this. They also said that the poster did look authentic and when looking at other independent film magazines such as 'Sight & Sound' this is the sort of thing you would expect to see as they possess similar qualities e.g. image of director.

I also asked audience for feedback on my poster:

1. Can you tell what genre the film belongs to through the poster?
2. Does the poster look realistic? Why?
3. Would this poster make you want to watch the film? Why?
4. Does the poster work effectively with the magazine cover and trailer.

The feedback I received was that the poster does convey its genre however the use of images from the actual film may have done this better. The use of clouds sets the overall mood of the film but it isn't clear to see that the film is of a domestic drama solely through the poster.
The poster looks realistic as a result of the use of conventions of a poster e.g. Release date and reviews.
The audience said they would want to see the film because of all the positive reviews and actual name of film makes it intriguing.
The poster works effectively with the other media texts and it is clear to see they belong to the same film through the text font.

I also asked audience for feedback on my trailer:

1. Is it clear what genre the film belongs to through trailer?
2. Do the sound and images work together?
3. Do you feel that the teaser trailer contains appropriate conventions?
4. Would the teaser trailer make you want to go and see the film?

The feedback i received was that it was clear what genre the film was from through use of trailer whilst not giving to much away about the story line, this was portrayed through the images used in the trailer.
The sound and images work well together because the music helps set the mood for the story and the negativity.
The teaser trailer includes various conventions and audience were able to easily identify these e.g. production companies/billing/reviews
The teaser trailer wanted to make my audience go and see it but some said some dialogue would have helped to establish the genre a little better.

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