Monday 25 September 2017

Total Film Front Cover Analysis

This is one example of a cover from Total Film. The magazine offers cinema, DVD and Blu-Ray news and features.

  • It primarily features Hollywood movies. 
  • The cover generally consists of a globally recognisable A-list stat. 
  • The masthead is biggest and boldest font on the page. It is a thick sharp font which in turn reflects that this magazine features many high budget big blockbuster films.
  • The dominant image stands out from the blue background because it is mainly black and is of a well-known actor.
  • The cover lines consist of other well known films e.g. Clash of Titans, Thor and The A-Team and actors e.g. Chris Rock this again reiterates the point that this is a mainstream magazine. 
  • The bright red cover lines stand out from the darker background colours so attention is automatically drawn here when put alongside independent films.

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