Sunday 22 October 2017

Domestic Drama Poster Genre Conventions - The Selfish Giant

Below is the movie poster for The Selfish Giant

  • The central image suggests that the boy is unhappy and has no one to rely on so uses the company of a horse who he may perceive as his only 'family/friend' making us immediately feel sympathy towards the boy
  • The colours are quite dull and bland setting the tone and mood for the storyline
  • The font is bold, red and in cap locks, reflecting the genre of the film as it is dramatic

Domestic Drama Poster Genre Conventions - Fish Tank

Below is the movie poster for 'Fish Tank'

  • Central dominant image - main character looks unhappy and like she has a lot on her mind and her attire suggests she comes from a poor background
  • Other images - other characters who may play a big part in movie also pictured below dominant image, furthermore the tower block behind the blonde character gives an insight into where it is set and the economic status of characters
  • the smaller images of the other characters may suggest that they are a 'team' working against the girl who seems lonely and may face obstacles in her life because of them
  • the font of the title is bold and dominant reflecting its genre of being a drama, so its effect illustrates a dramatic effect

Domestic Drama Poster Genre Conventions - This Is England

Below is the movie poster for 'This Is England'

  • The characters look unhappy and like they were forced to take picture
  • The tower blocks in the background suggest setting and class of characters
  • clothing also suggesting class and status
  • the title of film suggests its set and based around England, the colours represent the British flag

Domestic Drama Poster Conventions - Introduction

Now that i know I want to focus solely on Domestic Dramas for my marketing campaign, I am going to analyse 5 movies from his genre so that I can identify and understand the genre conventions, and give me an insight into what I should include on my own poster. I am going to look at them in terms of colour, font, layout, images and more.

Saturday 21 October 2017

Teaser Trailer Conventions

After analysing 3 different teaser trailers I found that they contained the same conventions regardless of the genre. Below is a list of conventions that I found from this research:

  • Production company logos - usually at the beginning of the trailer
  • Images from films
  • Title of film
  • Release dates - likely to be 'coming soon' or 'summer' rather than a specific date
  • Indication of genre
  • Website
  • Voiceover man
  • Editing
  • Possible references to other films
  • Images of stars/Names of stars
  • Tagline - often broken up throughout trailer
  • Sound effects
  • Eye candy
  • Variety of camera shots
  • Reference to source material the film is based on e.g. best selling book
  • Reference to director
Although I found a large variety of conventions, there are still a few others that can be found in teaser trailers including:

  • Quotes that reference other films
  • Reference to awards that the cast/crew/film may have been nominated for
  • cast, crew director credits

My Marketing Campaign

I've decided that I am going to look at Domestic Dramas for my marketing campaign. I have carried out online research to ensure that I am fully aware of what a Domestic Drama includes.

Below is the link to Wikipedia page about Domestic Dramas.

After researching I found that:
  • focuses on everyday lives usually of those of poorer classes suffering from poverty, sickness, crime and family strife
  • unfolding events in characters lives
  • use a style similar to soap operas
Here is an example of a Domestic Drama film CHANGE RTHIS TO SOMETHING ELSE

Friday 20 October 2017

Teaser Trailer Conventions - Gone Girl

  • Company production logo - 20th Century Fox
  • References to source material the film is based on - Book
  • Sound effects
  • Reviews
  • Reference to director from another film
  • Release date
  • Website
  • Voiceover
  • Title of film
  • Variety of camera shots
  • Indication of genre
  • Scenes from film

Teaser Trailer Convention - Crazy Stupid Love

  • Company production logos - Warner Bros
  • Tag lines
  • Music 
  • Release date
  • Voiceover man
  • Indication of genre
  • Eye candy
  • Website
  • Title of film
  • Scenes from the film
  • Variety of camera shots

Teaser Trailer Conventions - World War Z

  • Release date
  • Music/sound effects
  • Title of film
  • Eye candy
  • Indidcation of genre
  • Company production logos
  • Variety of camera shots 
  • Website

Monday 2 October 2017

Teaser Trailer Conventions Introduction

Now that I have compared the conventions of teaser trailers and theatrical trailers I'm going to focus on teaser trailers on their own as that is what I will be creating for my marketing campaign. I am going to be looking at 3 different teaser trailers from different genres to see if the conventions of the trailers are the same regardless of the genre of the film.

In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or challenge forms and Conventions of Real Media Products? - Poster

To begin research for my poster I started by analysing different existing posters from different genres to establish differ...