Wednesday 31 January 2018

Potential Magazine Front Cover Contents

Name of Magazine: BritFilm

Slogan: The Uk's Independent Film Magazine

Date: August 2018

Issue No.: 3

Main Cover Line: Trapped 

Other Cover Lines:
Rupert Everett on 'The Happy Prince'
Margot Robbie in noir thriller 'Terminal'
Duncan Jones returns with 'Mute'
Claire Foy talks 'The Girl In The Spiders Web'

I decided that the appropriate release date for my domestic drama was in August, I therefore made this magazine front cover for the August issue. To make sure my other cover lines were correct I then looked at other films or possible reviews that would appropriate to include in this issue.

In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or challenge forms and Conventions of Real Media Products? - Poster

To begin research for my poster I started by analysing different existing posters from different genres to establish differ...