Sunday 25 March 2018

Software and Hardware used

When creating my marketing campaign I used the following software and hardware whoch helped me in different ways along the way.

  • Blogger - used as a diary for all my research and planning

  • Spotify - used to find appropriate music for trailer

  • Photoshop - to create my magazine/poster

  • Video camera - to record my shots

Sunday 18 March 2018

Shot List For Trailer

  1. Establishing Shot - Showing London
  2. Establishing Shot - Road/Bridge
  3. Long Shot - Tower block
  4. Long Shot of corridor in tower block
  5. Medium Close Up of man with head in hands
  6. Medium Close Up of women looking out of window
  7. High Angle Shot of child in corner of room with head in hands
  8. Close Up of girl looking scared
  9. Medium Long Shot of man running to door
  10. Close Up of women with head in hands
  11. Medium Long Shot/Over Shoulder Shot of man hitting woman
  12. Low Angle Shot of girl packing bag
  13. Close Up of bag being put on girls bag
  14. Medium Close Up/Over The Shoulder Shot of man holding woman and swaying side to side as woman looks worried and hesitant
  15. Close Up from side of mans face drinking alcohol
  16. Two Shot/Close Up of woman and girl looking at door 
  17.  Extreme Close Up of mans eyes looking through letter box
  18. Medium Close Up of man and woman sitting on bench as she hastily places head on his chest

My Finished Magazine Cover

My Finished Poster

My Finished Teaser Trailer

Saturday 17 March 2018

Thursday 15 March 2018

Prop, Costume and Location List

- I made sure that for the main characters costumes were changed for different shots to suggest that the shots are from a different time and different location
I wanted the male protagonist to wear casual and simple clothes to show he is just an average guy snd, this was the same with the other characters.

Prop list:
Glass of water to look like vodka
bag and clothes

Location list:
Tower block in Leytonstone
Friends house/garden

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Shooting Schedule

I decided to make a shooting schedule which shows shots that can be filmed at the same time, this will save time and make me more efficient.

Establishing Shot - Showing London
Establishing Shot - Road/Bridge
Long Shot - Tower block
Long Shot of corridor in tower block

Medium Close Up of man with head in hands
Medium Close Up of women looking out of window
High Angle Shot of child in corner of room with head in hands
Close Up of girl looking scared
Medium Long Shot of man running to door
Close Up of women with head in hands
Medium Long Shot/Over Shoulder Shot of man hitting woman

Low Angle Shot of girl packing bag
Close Up of bag being put on girls bag
Medium Close Up/Over The Shoulder Shot of man holding woman and swaying side to side as woman looks worried and hesitant
Close Up from side of mans face drinking alcohol
Two Shot/Close Up of woman and girl looking at door
Extreme Close Up of mans eyes looking through letter box
Medium Close Up of man and woman sitting on bench as she hastily places head on his chest

As the shots are not too long and there is no dialogue I will be able to film the easily and so I can do quite a lot of shots in one day, giving me more time to edit and evaluate.

In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or challenge forms and Conventions of Real Media Products? - Poster

To begin research for my poster I started by analysing different existing posters from different genres to establish differ...